The Divine Decree

The Divine Decree

In Islam, belief in *al-qadar*—the divine decree—is fundamental, embodying Allah’s timeless knowledge, power, and will over all creation. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) affirmed this among the six pillars of faith, including belief in Allah’s decree, both good and bad. Allah has preordained all events, inscribed in *al-Lawh al-Mahfuz* (the Preserved Tablet), and everything unfolds with perfect precision according to His divine will.

The Qur’an reinforces this core belief: *“No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but it is inscribed in the Book of Decrees”* (57:22). Acknowledging Allah’s decree instills in the believer a deep trust that all happenings, whether apparent good or hardship, are crafted by His wisdom and mercy.

The migration (hijrah) of the Prophet (PBUH) exemplifies *al-qadar* and is a profound expression of Allah’s will to preserve and establish Islam. When persecution in Mecca reached its peak, Allah decreed the hijrah to Madinah, revealing it to the Prophet in a dream. This migration was not only an escape from harm but part of Allah’s greater purpose to secure Islam in a safe haven. As the Prophet and Abu Bakr hid in the cave of Thawr, with Quraysh in pursuit, Abu Bakr expressed concern. The Prophet reassured him, saying: *“What do you think of two people of whom Allah is the third?”* (Al-Bukhari), demonstrating absolute reliance on Allah’s decree.

The hijrah marked the beginning of a strong Muslim community in Madinah, fulfilling Allah’s plan to preserve Islam through trials and triumphs. Each aspect of the journey—Suraqah’s thwarted pursuit, the Prophet’s welcome in Madinah, and the community’s growth—illustrates Allah’s will to safeguard His message. The hijrah thus remains a testament to *al-qadar*, reminding believers that Allah’s wisdom is ever-present, guiding and protecting His message and His Messenger through every moment. Through belief in *al-qadar*, a Muslim embraces Allah’s wisdom, trusting that He holds the destiny of His creation and the preservation of Islam in His perfect care.

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